Seems I’m Branching Out…!

Posted on Jul 11 2015 - 9:30am by Johnny B

As you all know, I’m a massive fan of kitchen-life; I love my cooking, experimenting with new ingredients, baking ‘wow’ cakes for my kids, etc etc, but I’ve also found a second-favourite hobby – writing!

frozen cake

My latest masterpiece.

And now I’ve managed to combine the too, not only in my Little Ol’ blog you all love (!) to read, but actually for OTHER SITES as well. Fame at last…er, well, maybe one day!

But a piece I write combining my 3 favourite things in life – my kids, food and now writing – has been accepted and published here: How to Make Nutritious Food Exciting for Your Kids.

I’m so proud, so if anyone you lovely readers have a minute to check it out, please do  – I’d love to hear your feedback!