How To Create The Perfect Child-Friendly Garden

Posted on Mar 24 2015 - 2:11am by Johnny B

When you have children, a garden is not just a garden. It’s also a spaceship, or it’s the moon, or a pirate ship! Children have the most fantastic imagination and your garden can help develop that. The trick with enticing the kids out into the garden is creating a space that’s more exciting than the TV. The garden is a healthier and better environment for learning. Many parents don’t use this simple outside space to help their children grow and develop.

Your garden is a highly tactile place. Your children can learn so much by touching and interacting with nature. You can teach them about ecosystems and wildlife. They can build responsibility skills and learn the value of animals and plants. The garden is also a great place to build motor skills by handling small tools and taking on small tasks. Finally, don’t forget about yourself! Although your garden should be child friendly, it should be a little haven for you too.

Flower beds

One of the best ways to lure children out into the garden is by giving them responsibility. Put them in charge of something and they’ll love the feeling of ownership and responsibility. Flower beds are a great way to do this. Let them choose the flowers and sow the seeds. They can water them and watch them grow. The garden is the perfect place to start teaching your children about nature too. Explain to them the relationship between flowers, birds and the earth.

Wildlife areas

Children are highly stimulated by wildlife and animals. Something as simple as a small pond can really help increase this stimulation. Again, it will build a sense of responsibility over a living creature. It’s an important skill to develop. They’ll also increase their compassion and understanding of others. Of course, it’s important to make these areas safe for children, particularly if it’s a pond.

Colours and play equipment

The garden isn’t just about nature and learning. It’s also a vast playground! Use the garden to spark their imagination and let them run wild with it. Add a splash of colour to your garden to keep them stimulated and interested. Play equipment like climbing frames, slides or sandboxes are a fantastic way to keep them busy. If you have very young children, a sandbox is proven to help develop their motor skills too.

Don’t forget about you

You should make every effort to create a child friendly garden for the little ones. However, it’s your space too. Something as simple as a decking area can really help you relax and unwind. Why not speak to timber specialists at and start building a deck? You can share a glass of wine with friends on a summer’s evening. Or you can simply relax in the sun and watch the children run around! Sounds perfect, doesn’t it?

Your garden is the perfect place to keep the children entertained. They’ll explore their imagination and discover new things every day. They’ll learn about nature and grow respect for living creatures. At the same time, you can enjoy the space too!

