Get the Most from your Paper Bags by Re-using them

Posted on Aug 28 2015 - 2:25pm by Johnny B

Paper bags are great, stronger and more comfortable to carry than a plastic bag and reusable time and time again. Any business using paper bags are obviously aware of how to provide the best for their customers, and with more businesses using re-usable paper and cotton bags there is every likelihood that you will soon have more than you know what to do with. So with that in mind, what else can you do with a re-usable paper bags?


  1. Swimming kit bag. This is especially good for those school swimming lessons, you know the ones that are held in the morning so that by the time the lit comes homes it is more than a little smelly.
  2. Storing muddy shoes for dog walking. Those who have a dog will appreciate how muddy shoes can get when walking their pet. Changing them before getting in the car is always a good idea but then there is the problem of the mud in the car. Putting them into a paper bag will reduce the dirt in the car and make it easier to take the boots in to the house to clean. The bag can then be washed and returned to the car ready for the next muddy adventure.
  3. A unique picture frame. A pair of scissors, a needle and thread and a little creativity can produce some unique picture frames for your home.
  4. Personalised storage for kids. No I don’t mean storing the children in the bag, the bag will not be big enough! Paper bags can be a great solution for those awkward little bits that get lost in the toy box, it can even be a great alternative to a toy box altogether! Get creative with some rhinestones and you can have a fully personalised toy storage solution at minimal cost. Not feeling creative enough? Get the kids to decorate it themselves, giving you two uses in one. A great craft activity for keeping the little ones happy and a tidy room to keep you happy, allowing the children to decorate it themselves is likely to encourage them to use the finished product afterwards.
  5. Keep your electrical beauty products handy. Storing your hairdryer, straighteners and curling wand all in one place makes it super easy when it comes to looking good. Using a paper bag means it can then be hung on the back of the bedroom door or even in the wardrobe.


These are just a few ideas for alternative uses for a re-usable paper bag, can you think of any more to add to the list?